Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru
Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru
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Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru
- Amazing 3D Graphics
The walking dead are upon you. Shoot your way through an immersive, fully realized 3D zombie apocalypse complete with fantastic undead animations and graphics. ZF3 is the next level in smartphone thriller, shooting games. - Awesome Sound & Music
Sounds effects and music will take you into the world of the first person shooter. Feel as if you are there and experiencing a real zombie war. - Numerous different undead targets
Challenge yourself against some of the toughest undead on the battlefield and shoot every targets in the head. Kill them before they kill you! - Innovative Level Design
Grab your shotgun in arsenal and shoot your way through this zombie war of 120 challenging and gory main levels to rescue the world from the zombie apocalypse. These levels will test your FPS and sniper skills to the limit. Killing is the only justice for these undead monsters.
Now you can destroy the undead targets on the beach with a new Zombie tropical island mode! As one of the top horror games available today, ZF3 never stops improving. - Multiple Gameplay Modes
Across numerous battlefields, ramp up the action with 5 boss battles, 60 sniper missions, many support levels and regular special events. - Arsenal of Weapons
It wouldn�t be a shooting game without an impressive arsenal. Choose from 21 different guns with which to head into combat. Blast your enemies with an MP5, AK47, Desert Eagle, FN SCAR, HK 416, grenades and many more shotguns and rifles! Get your trigger finger ready and live your own Resident Evil, horror game, thriller. The walking dead must be eliminated. - Weapon Upgrade System
Upgrade weapons in your arsenal to take down stronger zombies. Increase their power, range, firing rate and more. You can even equip them with awesome tropical decals! Upgrade your firepower and survive the zombie apocalypse! - Special Events
Take part in special in-game combat and sniper missions to win gold, coins and other prizes!
Take part in the fight to rebuild cities, beaches and tropical civilizations following the outbreak of the virus in the latest action packed horror game FPS from FT Games!
Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru | Server 1
Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru | Server 2
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Zombie Frontier 3 MOD v1.57 Apk Terbaru
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